Welcome to Indiana Digital Learning School

Indiana Digital Learning School (INDLS) is a tuition-free, online program of Union School Corporation serving independent learners in grades K–12 who love an academic challenge. Our teachers are dedicated to inspiring and empowering students through an education experience tailored to each child’s needs.

Middle school student taking notes at home while working with her laptop

Daily Support for Students and Learning Coaches

Honors and AP® Courses

Dual Credit Courses

Multiple Learning Pathways and Approaches


“My online high school experience was a very positive and productive time. I was able to engage with my instructors and peers in an online environment that was conducive to my learning style and adaptability. It also prepared me for college and for the workforce.”

INDLS alum1

“I absolutely love INDLS. It has helped me so much and has been so convenient having it all on my phone or computer and being able to be in class wherever I am.”

INDLS student2

“My school has made it easy to be at home and feel safe, while attending a public school. I love the many different options that we are given, as well as the dual credit options that are offered to us.”

INDLS student3
A Young Entrepreneur on Tackling Resolutions

Giving Back: Aspiring to Meet Goals and Make a Difference

Meet Safiya, a young entrepreneur and Indiana Digital Learning School (INDLS) star student. Online school was a smart choice for her because it allowed her to get a great education while staying healthy and having the flexibility to run her crochet business. She’s a stellar student in her classes and an inspiration in her community. Learn more about Safiya’s experience at online school.


1This INDLS alum’s statement from 2024 reflects their experience at their school.
2This 2024 INDLS 10th grade student’s statement reflects their experience at their school.
3This 2023 INDLS 12th grade student’s statement reflects their experience at their school.